Happy Thanksgiving + New Author’s Corner

Normal Rockwell mural

The INLUS wishes all our USA-based individual and family members, business members, donors, supporting Icelandic organizations and all the Icelandic language students a very happy Thanksgiving.  Without your ongoing and generous support, we couldn’t provide financial support for the programming and scholarships that forge the bonds between the United States and Iceland. Author’s Corner –…

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The Fall Connect Newsletter is Here!

Newsletter Cover - Sep 2023

The Connect, the INLUS quarterly newsletter, has just published its Fall 2023 edition. This issue contains updates on summer events local Icelandic groups created, in addition to upcoming fall events. You’ll also find articles on runes, new publications, and a tenth-year celebration by one of our supporting member organizations, Icelandic Roots. This summer was also…

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Upcoming INLUS Webinar – The Icelandic Horse in North America

Icelandic Horses

Join us on Tuesday, June 6 for another informative webinar. | Purebred in Iceland for more than 1,000 years, the Icelandic horse is prized for its intelligence, strength, athleticism, hardiness and adaptability. While it is still considered a “niche” breed in North America, the Icelandic horse continues to gain in popularity in the United States…

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Upcoming INLUS Webinar – Iceland Travel Update – 2023

Budir church photo

Learn about the latest developments in the Iceland travel industry and what you need to know to visit Iceland in a post-pandemic environment.  Jóhannes Thór Skúlason, Managing Director of the Icelandic Travel Industry Association, will talk with us about the latest regulations and the tourism and travel industry’s preparations for more open travel. About the…

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Kaffi Timi is Back!

coffee cup photo

Please join us in our virtual Kaffi Timi café on Friday, April 7 at 3:00 PM Eastern/ 2:00 PM Central/ 1:00 PM Mountain/ Noon Pacific.  Formed at the beginning of the pandemic, this is a time for us to just talk.  Everyone is welcome – you don’t need to be Icelandic!  Join us for an…

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New Connect Spring Newsletter

Newsletter cover March 2023

The latest edition of the Connect is now available on the INLUS.org website.  (Newsletters Page Link HERE) The publication is filled with information on upcoming events, learning opportunities and the May Icelandic convention in Banff, Alberta. Topics explored in the Connect spring issue include: -A preview of the upcoming INLNA convention that takes place in Banff,…

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Upcoming INLUS Webinar – Banff Convention Q & A

Lake Moraine

Join us on March 7th, 2023 for another interesting INLUS webinar. Bob Baker from the Leif Eiriksson Icelandic Club of Calgary will join us to answer all your questions about the convention planning, program, travel, logistics and why you should plan to attend. The Icelandic National Leagues will be meeting in Banff, Alberta May 11-14,…

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Banff is Calling You!

banff scenic photo

The Icelandic National Leagues will be meeting in Banff, Alberta May 11-14, 2023.  The Leif Eiriksson Icelandic Club of Calgary, an INLUS member organization, is hosting the event with the theme Celebrating our Icelandic Heritage in the Arts.  Registration is open at 2023 CONVENTION Link.  You will notice that the convention is designated as an INLNA convention –…

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Upcoming INLUS Author’s Corner – Margaret Willson

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Join us on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 as we help celebrate the release of Woman, Captain, Rebel.   Margaret Willson will join us at 8:00 PM Eastern (GMT-5)/ 7:00 PM Central/ 6:00 PM Mountain/ 5:00 Pacific to talk about Thuridur and the Icelandic fishing environment during Thuridur’s life. History would have us believe the sea has always…

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