Posts by INLUS
INLUS January 10, 2024 Webinar–The Njal’s Saga Tapestry
Claudia Pétursson will share the remarkable story of the Njal’s Saga Tapestry project in the first INLUS webinar of 2024, on Wednesday, January 10. Her presentation will take the viewer through the creative process and include a glimpse into the future of this amazing effort. Hvolsvöllur, Iceland, is a small town 85 miles outside of…
Read MoreHappy Holidays
As another year comes to a close, we send greetings and heartfelt thanks to all our members, donors and friends. We look forward to seeing you, in person or online, at one of our events in 2024. Gleðilega hátið!
Read MoreMy Snorri Adventure of a Lifetime
By Julia Swanson I just typed into Google: “a word to describe something that is greater than amazing.” It gave me: unbelievable, fascinating, incredible, awesome, and marvelous. Yes, those words could be used to describe my Snorri experience; however, I have realized one needs to experience the trip to truly understand the feeling. My time…
Read MoreNew Connect Winter 2023 Newsletter
The Winter Edition of the Connect is Now Available The quarterly Connect has been published by the Icelandic National League of the United States. You can find it here: Newsletters. Read about a new art project in Iceland that captures the spirit of one of the most famous sagas. The project aspires to the lofty…
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving + New Author’s Corner
The INLUS wishes all our USA-based individual and family members, business members, donors, supporting Icelandic organizations and all the Icelandic language students a very happy Thanksgiving. Without your ongoing and generous support, we couldn’t provide financial support for the programming and scholarships that forge the bonds between the United States and Iceland. Author’s Corner –…
Read MoreUpcoming INLUS/INLNA Webinar – Discover Your Icelandic Immigration Story with Icelandic Roots
Join in a special webinar which will be jointly hosted by INLUS and INLNA. Dave Jonasson from Icelandic Roots will show us some amazing new features in the Icelandic Roots genealogy database which can help us trace and understand our ancestors and how they emigrated from Iceland to North America. Icelandic Roots is a 501(c)(3)…
Read MoreThe Fall Connect Newsletter is Here!
The Connect, the INLUS quarterly newsletter, has just published its Fall 2023 edition. This issue contains updates on summer events local Icelandic groups created, in addition to upcoming fall events. You’ll also find articles on runes, new publications, and a tenth-year celebration by one of our supporting member organizations, Icelandic Roots. This summer was also…
Read MoreThe Summer Connect Newsletter is Now Available
The Icelandic National League of the United States just released its quarterly newsletter, Connect, to keep you informed about the many Icelandic-themed events happening this summer. You’ll find events celebrating Iceland’s Independence, a special gathering featuring all the Scandinavian countries, and an annual Icelandic celebration in its 124th year. The INLUS keeps you updated through…
Read MoreUpcoming INLUS Webinar – The Icelandic Horse in North America
Join us on Tuesday, June 6 for another informative webinar. | Purebred in Iceland for more than 1,000 years, the Icelandic horse is prized for its intelligence, strength, athleticism, hardiness and adaptability. While it is still considered a “niche” breed in North America, the Icelandic horse continues to gain in popularity in the United States…
Read MoreINLUS Awards Scholarships to 2023 Snorri Participants
Five North Americans will be boarding flights to Iceland on June 10 with a little help from the Icelandic National League of the United States (INLUS). The INLUS has awarded $1000 scholarships to each U.S. participant to help defray some of the costs of the program. Three of the Snorri participants are from Minnesota, one…
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