New Summer Newsletter and Just Icelandic Webinar
Our June 2022 INLUS Connect newsletter is now available! Meet our newest Board members, find out about upcoming INLUS and local events, and get a recap of the most recent webinars. Be sure to tell us about Icelandic and Nordic events going on near you – send to us via email: June 8 INLUS Webinar “Hello and…
Read MoreUpcoming INLUS Webinar – Lögberg-Heimskringla
Join us for another interesting Webinar presentation on Tuesday, February 8th. | Lögberg-Heimskringla – A Mirror of Icelandic Life in North America | “We like to think of Lögberg-Heimskringla as the ‘newspaper of record’ for the Icelandic community in North America,” says its editor Stefan Jonasson. “One of the oldest ethnic newspapers on the continent, it has served…
Read MoreKaffi Timi is Back!
Need a break from the everyday routine? Ready to make some new friends? The INLUS is pleased to bring back our popular Kaffi Timi online video discussion time. Kaffi Timi provides a time to chat for an hour about anything and everything. Friday, January 21, 2022 will mark its return at 3:00 PM Eastern/ 2:00…
Read MoreLosing a Friend
There are some people in this world that instantly become your friend. Brent Scharbor (Skarðaborg) was one of those people. We recently received word that he has passed away from COVID-19 in Texas. Brent was very proud of his Icelandic lineage that wove through the Orkney Islands to England and Scotland. Like the Vikings of…
Read MoreJune 17th – A Day to Celebrate
Happy June 17th! Today we celebrate Iceland’s National Day and the second birthday of the Icelandic National League of the United States! (INLUS) Take a look at our just-released INLUS newsletter here: Newsletters – Icelandic National League ( In this issue, you can find out why we celebrate Iceland’s National Day on June 17th and meet…
Read MoreApril INLUS News and Reminders
There is a lot going on in the INLUS! Reminders April 9 (Fri.), 3:00 PM Eastern/2:00 Central/1:00 Mountain/Noon Pacific: Kaffi Timi. This is an open one-hour time to chat with others from across North America. Details may be found at Kaffi Tími 2021 – Icelandic National League ( These meetings occur every 2 weeks. April…
Read MoreUpcoming INLUS Webinars
Please join us in later in March and April for two new webinars. First, on March 21st we will speak with Jonathan Wood, Polar Law student at the University of Akureyri. He will talk about what brought him to Iceland, the Polar Law program, his work with the Arctic indigenous communities and the challenges they are…
Read MorePreserving Our Icelandic Heritage
Now scheduled for April 14 – When we think of Icelandic Heritage, many of us whose descendants came to North America generations ago think about the traditions. But what about those things such as books, diaries, letters, and other documents that came with the immigrants that provided reading enjoyment, or were written by them that documents…
Read MoreHappy New Year!
Gleðilegt nýtt ár! As we prepare to turn the page to a new year, the INLUS wishes you a Happy New Year. We are looking forward to a year of continuing growth and offerings of interesting and valuable information. We will begin the year with two of our popular webinars. On January 17th we will speak…
Read MoreLEIF Goes Online!
The pandemic has forced the cancellation of many summer and fall festivals. The Leif Eriksson International Festival (LEIF) took this time as an opportunity to reimagine the festival. Rather than an in-person series of music and religious services in Minneapolis, the LEIF Committee asked, “what if”. The result is a shorter festival, but much richer…
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