My Snorri Adventure of a Lifetime

By Julia Swanson I just typed into Google: “a word to describe something that is greater than amazing.” It gave me: unbelievable, fascinating, incredible, awesome, and marvelous. Yes, those words could be used to describe my Snorri experience; however, I have realized one needs to experience the trip to truly understand the feeling. My time…

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INLUS Awards Scholarships to 2023 Snorri Participants

Five North Americans will be boarding flights to Iceland on June 10 with a little help from the Icelandic National League of the United States (INLUS). The INLUS has awarded $1000 scholarships to each U.S. participant to help defray some of the costs of the program. Three of the Snorri participants are from Minnesota, one…

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Upcoming INLUS Webinar – Iceland Travel Update – 2023

Budir church photo

Learn about the latest developments in the Iceland travel industry and what you need to know to visit Iceland in a post-pandemic environment.  Jóhannes Thór Skúlason, Managing Director of the Icelandic Travel Industry Association, will talk with us about the latest regulations and the tourism and travel industry’s preparations for more open travel. About the…

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Upcoming INLUS Webinar – Banff Convention Q & A

Lake Moraine

Join us on March 7th, 2023 for another interesting INLUS webinar. Bob Baker from the Leif Eiriksson Icelandic Club of Calgary will join us to answer all your questions about the convention planning, program, travel, logistics and why you should plan to attend. The Icelandic National Leagues will be meeting in Banff, Alberta May 11-14,…

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Banff is Calling You!

banff scenic photo

The Icelandic National Leagues will be meeting in Banff, Alberta May 11-14, 2023.  The Leif Eiriksson Icelandic Club of Calgary, an INLUS member organization, is hosting the event with the theme Celebrating our Icelandic Heritage in the Arts.  Registration is open at 2023 CONVENTION Link.  You will notice that the convention is designated as an INLNA convention –…

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New Iceland Travel Book from Eric Newman

100 Iceland cover

UPDATE: Join us on May 2nd, 2022 for a INLUS Author’s Corner with Eric. The time is 5pm PDT/6pm MDT/7pm CDT/8pm EDT/2400 GMT.  See the INLUS Events Calendar for details. Check out INLUS Business Member Eric Newman’s (Iceland With Kids) latest book 100 Tips for Visiting Iceland.| If you’re planning to visit Iceland, the amount…

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Upcoming INLUS Author’s Corner – Iceland Wintertide With David Freese

Join us for another interesting INLUS Author’s Corner presentation on Monday, March 14. | David Freese’s photographic odyssey started with a Trilogy of North American Waters which is comprised of the books West Coast: Bering to Baja, 2012, East Coast: Arctic to Tropic, 2016, and Mississippi River: Headwaters and Heartland to Delta and Gulf, 2020. The…

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Tourism in Iceland with Hey Iceland

Iceland waterfall and cup

Submitted by INLUS Business Member Hey Iceland | We all know how the global pandemic has impacted international travel. We have had to change or postpone travel plans, focus on exploring our own countries and reevaluate travel in general. In the Summer of 2021 we were pleasantly surprised by the number of travelers who visited…

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The Snorri Programs – Connecting Icelanders and North Americans since 1999

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INLUS Webinar When:  Monday, November 29, 2021 Time:    11:00 AM Eastern/10:00 AM Central/9:00 AM Mountain/8:00 AM Pacific Program link may be found on the INLUS Events Calendar. Many Western Icelanders have heard of the Snorri Programs, but perhaps are unaware there are actually four separate programs, three for North Americans and one for Icelanders.  All…

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Introducing the Icelandic Horse

Icelandic horses photo

INLUS will host an introduction to the Icelandic horse on Thursday, May 6 at 8:00 PM Eastern/7:00 Central/6:00 Mountain/5:00 Pacific.  See the INLUS Featured Events Calendar for the webinar link and more details. When Vikings settled Iceland in the late 800s, they brought only the best of their herds. The Icelandic horse descends from these…

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