Posts by INLUS
Kaffi Timi Extended
Kaffi Timi Extended Schedule Over the past few weeks, numerous INLUS members and friends have joined in on our Tuesday and Friday Kaffi Timi online (Zoom) chats. For many, COVID-19 restrictions will continue into May and possible beyond, so we have decided to extend our weekly chat schedule into June. Come join us, take a…
Read MoreIcelandic Language in North America Survey
Do you speak Icelandic? Is it important to you that Icelandic be kept alive in North America? How is it connected to your feeling of “Icelandic-ness”? Principle investigator Prof. Kirsten Wolf and her associate Laura Moquin from the University of Wisconsin-Madison are leading a research study about language attitudes and identity in Icelandic heritage communities…
Read MoreIcelandic Films Online – Limited Release
An important mission area of INLUS is to help connect our members with Icelandic culture. One way we do that is to help increase awareness of Icelandic film and TV productions. A couple of Icelandic films have recently become available for viewing in the U.S. The Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) was scheduled for May…
Read MoreStir Crazy Yet?
By Dianne O’Konski | Are you going stir crazy yet? I am not a big Facebook fan, but it has gotten more interesting lately. The posts and reposts give us a sliver of people’s state of mind. A relative posted this today from gramma funnies: “The truth is that it’s not so boring at home.…
Read MoreIcelanders in the Days of COVID-19
As I’ve heard many times in the last week, these are challenging times. New information is coming out daily and it is so easy to get swept up in it. We need to be smart and prudent about our activities. As such, the Icelandic National League of North America (INLNA) has made a decision to…
Read MoreIceland With Kids – New Edition Launched
By Eric Newman | Our new travel guide book: Iceland With Kids It’s March of 2009. I’m on crutches with a broken hip, and my wife is pregnant with our 4th child. Oh, and all of us (me, my wife, and 3 kids) are on vacation in Iceland. Our taxi driver helped the kids build…
Read MoreWelcome Thorri!
by Dianne O’Konski | Thorri (Þorri), the fourth month of winter on the Icelandic calendar begins on Jan. 24th – the first Friday after January 19th! Scholars believe that the name of the month “Thorri” is either taken from the Norwegian king Thorri Snærsson or from Thor, the God of Thunder (my bet is on…
Read MoreIceland is Calling – UPDATE: Deadline is Feb 1st
Deadline for reservations is Feb. 1, 2020 Please share with your club members, friends and family! Space on these trips is limited to a maximum of 20 passengers. The INLUS is pleased to announce that Nordic Trails is offering two tours to the Land of Fire and Ice this summer that are sure to…
Read MoreSnorri Program Deadline is Today!
Today is the last day to apply for the 2020 Snorri cultural exchange program in Iceland. Snorri Plus applications will be accepted until January 31st. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Please forward to interested friends and family. More information can be obtained at our friends at the Snorri Foundation in Iceland. Visit
Read MoreGrýla and Jólakötturinn – The Christmas Cat
By Heidi Herman-Kerr | In the far mountains of Iceland, way up in the north, there is a place that no one dares go. There are no roads, just paths worn from the feet of sheep and a few other creatures. There are steep cliffs and rocky parts, all filled with caves and hidden places.…
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